ADC holds a community of practice in Lokossa

ADC tient une communauté de pratique à Lokossa

The Africa Digital Campus (ADC) project partners organised a “Community of Practice” meeting on E-Learning in Lokossa on Wednesday, March 29, 2023. The workshop brought together teachers from the Institut National Supérieur de Technologie Industrielle (INSTI) of Lokossa who are involved in the project. 

L'atelier a été une excellente occasion d'échanger des expériences et de créer une communauté de pratique durable axée sur le E-Learning au Bénin. L'objectif ultime était de soutenir la mise en œuvre de l'enseignement à distance au sein de l'université et à l'échelle nationale.

At the workshop, participants engaged in plenary presentations and shared examples to explore the concept of learning and practice communities. They then worked individually and in small groups to define their own “E-Learning” community in Benin.

Finalement, les participants ont exprimé leur désir de poursuivre sur cette lancée à travers des forums de discussion en ligne, des webinaires hebdomadaires et de futures réunions pour partager leurs expériences. 

One teacher mentioned, “The community of practice we established today will enable me to seek advice from peers and address pedagogical and educational challenges.” Another teacher expressed excitement about “learning from my community of practice and utilising the expertise of my peers to enhance my online teaching design and delivery.” Another participant echoed the importance of community involvement for professional success.

The Africa Digital Campus (ADC) project involves approximately 65 teacher-researchers from the Institut National Supérieur de Technologie Industrielle (INSTI) at the National University of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (UNSTIM) in Lokossa, Benin. These educators actively contribute to developing online training modules, enriching the Institute’s curriculum offerings (formerly known as the IUT of Lokossa).

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